Sunday, 22 April 2012

You have a choice

The book accredited to making a million millionaires

An International Best Seller

With over 15 million copies sold

Napoleon Hill in his ground breaking book “Think and Grow Rich” reveals the success strategies of histories rich and famous, including Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller and many more

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, with expert insight and intuition guides you through the journey of success and personal achievement. We all need a guiding hand, a rare person that can point and show us the, and someone who can give you the self belief and confidence to follow your dreams and to reach your highest goals. To tread where few others have gone.

Think and Grow Rich will guide you through to a far greater sense of achievement than you have ever thought possible when you first pick up this book…..
After all it is only a book???.... or is it???

Think and Grow Rich will forever be more than just a book.  It is a compass and a map offering  series of pathways and journeys, interlaced with insight and experience from some of the greatest minds and achievers that have ever lived on the planet. Guiding you forward to a new possible future of success and achievement.

It is a choke… is YOUIR choice… it is a choice to read and learn from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich masterpiece or not.  Are you going to choose to be rich or not?? Do you want to be successful? And, are willing to pay the price and take action?…

……will you make the first step and start to learn from some of the greatest minds of all time…. This is question that you and only you can answer…

But while you are pondering these questions..….think very carefully……

Procrastination costs more, much more than action!!!  If you are reading this then you are serious about your own success or you would not be here……

Also remember that all the studies show that only 3% of the people actually take action in any given situation with 97% of people procrastinate and delay and do not take action until everyone else does, Well in this case 15million other people have already taken action, so you are not alone!!!……

And when you have read this amazing book, you will want to guard its secrets, guard its insights and start to work on building your life of success and achievement….but what you really need to do it to buy and recommend this book for two of your very closest, trusted  and best friends… the two most trusted people in your life….and then advise them to so the same and so on……

You will then start to build your leadership team, and all will have one of the best success frameworks, your “concrete philosophy for success”  for your team to work from and together…you can then all use this as one of your principle “Stepping Stones” towards success and a new life….

But is is still your choice….

Do you want to be in with the 3% taking action of the 97% of [people procrastinating and finding any reason or excuses for not taking action… it is only you that can decide…it is your choice…. If you do not read this book you will never know,, and if you do chose to read this book you will never look back!!… have a choice…and your choice is now!!!

“The wiley Scot had grown excited as he expounded the ideas that there should be a concrete ‘philosophy of success’ for the average person, drawn from the experiences of great achievers”  Tom Butler-Brown

When Carnegie asked Napoleon Hill to spend the next 20 years formulating this “Philosophy of success” Napoleon Hill took only 29 seconds to say “yes”…..

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