Sunday, 13 May 2012

The Art of Time Management
Time Management is an Art!

Your Perfect day!!!

The recommended ideal  day is to spilt your day in to three 8 hour chunks   8 hours for work, 8 hours for Sleep / rest and hrs for play (the work rest and play model). But as we know this is not a reflection of reality for most people, whom have so many pressures on their time.

Eight and Infinity

Eight is also the number for infinity and a strong influential number that has always appeared in many cultures.  Linking the power of the number eight and interlacing this with your life has the potential to create true power with your life.

Time management is incredibly simple; the basic rules are incredibly simple and easy to understand. 

The real issue is not Time Management but the person in question and their dedication to their own life and a set of defined values, goals and priorities.  To be effective with your time, you first need to know the basic rules and in turn you need to be disciplined, bloody minded and pig headed enough to make absolutely sure that you shape your life around these rules and that you do not get taken away from these simple basic rules, and when you do get side tracked, deal with the issue and then get straight back on to the task and back onto plan.

There are 6 basic rules of time management eloquently articulated by Chet Holmes  

The Six Time Rules

There are just six steps to effective time management

1                     Do it once  touch it once Do it real time

2                     Make lists

3                     Plan how much time to allocate to each task

4                     Plan your day

5                     Prioritise

6                     Ask yourself will it hurt to throw it away

We all have the same amount of time it is what we do with it that counts

So do not think about time management, but actually think about time, your time and your relationship with time...  and to think about if you are FREE!!   From time or are you tied into time and time rules your life completely.

The vast majority of people are tied into time and are not conscious aware of this.  They are living in an industrial age model of society that is now out dated.  Industrial age thinking is slowly slipping away and being replaced by a more flexible mindset generation.  

So I want you to think about how the industrial age time clock, the get up in the morning in your box (house) get ready for work, travel to work in your other box (the car or bus or train or plane !!! or all four go to another box where we work, to then work through a set of industrial age processes and time related tasks and objectives, before leaving at a time to travel back in a box to your home box, all defined by the passage of time and the marking of time.

Most people are paid for their time not the value they bring or contribution that they make.

Strangely as it may seem, gaining awareness and understanding of time and how is affects and governs your life until you are free (retired) will help you to understand how time has a grip on your life. 

Are you a master to time or a master of time? 

Are you part of someone else’s time clock or are you free to choose your own time?

If you do not have a Plan in life, then you are part of someone else plan!

Then imagine what you life would be like if you were not mastered by time but a master of time itself, and were completely free to spend your time exactly as you wish to....  you are now starting to understand and gain a deeper awareness and appreciation of time in your life.

Now, stop reading here and i want you to spend the next day, 24 hours going about your daily life as you would normally and start to spend your time thinking about your time, what you are doing with your time and how it guides and manipulates you down defined paths or expectation and keeps you in a routine, and how this on its own appears to keep the peace t=w tithe your loved ones and those around you.

If you start to think about time and become aware of your time then you are going to more likely to be able to be successful at utilising the time that you have more effectively and thus make a far greater impact in our life, just by focusing on what is actually important in our lives.

Remember that there are only 6 basis rules of Time Management

1                     Do it once  touch it once Do it real time

2                     Make lists

3                     Plan how much time to allocate to each task

4                     Plan your day

5                     Prioritise your actions

6                     Ask yourself will it hurt to throw it away

If you can master these six steps one by one you will be amazed at how productive your life starts to become. Couple this with a knowing your purpose and having passion for what you are doing and you will become unstoppable force for change, opportunity, success and achievement.

Each of the six stepping stones is interlinked and you need master all of the constituent parts to mater the whole, by blending each element together.


·         Review your day and the next week and become aware of where you are spending your time

·         Start to apply the “Six Time Rules” to your life

·         Set a clear vision for your life. Define your goals and objectives and take action every day

This is YOUR time and your time is NOW. Do not waste your time, do not throw your life away and drift aimlessly through your time with no rudder or no direction with no definite written plan.  Having a vision and a plan with a focus and place to head towards, then taking action on starting your journey, whilst applying these six rules, you will find that applying these six simple rules will open up your life and the meaning of time to a whole new level.

The key is focus, focus, focus  on these six rules and being strong enough not to be dissuaded or side tracked by the people around you and having the courage to stand up for your time and reclaim back you life.

Are you the master of time or is time the master of you?

Are you the master of others or are they the master of you?

Do you play your own tune or do you dance to someone else’s?

Never forget that you are free from your first breadth.....  Ultimately it is you that gives away your freedom.  Also remember hat everything is cause and effect and that there is an equal and opposite affect in everything that we do.

Go and live your life and be amazing!!!

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