"Ingenuity, teamwork, intelligence and courage are a uniquely human combination of skills that has allowed us to conquer our world"
There are now just over seven billion people on the planet, and growing. We now have the ability to control and influence every aspect of our planet, we are truly responsible for our own destiny.
Our ability to collaborate across the world, share ideas, knowledge, and harness the power of technology, the energy of money and the ingenuity of our own intelligence, places us in a new position of responsibility, stewardship and trust.
Yet we are but teenagers dipping our toes in the ocean to see if we like the feel of the water, with an ocean of opportunity that lies before us.
We can shape our planet, we can redesign our landscapes, we can tame all animals, affect our climate, influence peoples lives and see to the edge of our known universe. We are amazing, and we can do this for the greater good of all, or the benefit of the few.
We are now truly stewards of our own time, and of our own lives. We only get one change, one life. This is not a rehearsal, this IS the real thing. Our stewardship in this time is going to be critical for both our generation and for generations to come.
Everyone of us has a purpose for being here. Everyone of us has a passion to do something amazing. It is now time that each and everyone of us find the courage of our convictions, beliefs and values, and take action to make a fitting and lasting contribution to our time leaving a lasting positive legacy for the next generation.
This is OUR time. Think about what YOU are going to do to make areal lasting positive difference and take action today to start to build and enhance your life and the lives of our brothers and sisters across the globe in harmony with all life on our planet Earth.
Remember, ingenuity, teamwork, intelligence and courage are YOUR uniquely human characteristics. Thimk! about how you can make a real difference.
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