Friday, 15 April 2011

"Learn the rules of money, educate yourself by educating your children"

Today more than any other time in history we live in a world of abundance and great change. Our traditional education systems, often based on the Prussian Education system failed us and is failing our children!!

There are three types of education that we all can recieve; The first two are often given, the later Financial Education has to be sought out and found.

1. Academic

2. Proffessional

3. Financial

Academic education is vital, learning to read has been proved to be the great enabler of our times, linking to learning to write and arithmetic these are the vital few ingredients for success.

"Schools educate people to become employees to work for the rich!!!" but this conditioning creates dependancies and expectations that organisations and governments will look after people throughout their lives.

This is amodern industrial expectation that is old, outdated and unsustainable. "With money you are either a winner or a loser"  Robert Kiyosaki

But in life we all have choices. We can learn the rules of money and we can learn financial education. Everyhting is learnable!

TODAY is the first day of your life!!! Take persoanl responsibility and ownership of who you are are and the life that you currently have and start to learn about the rules of money and create YOUR "Financial Freedom"

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