Sunday, 20 May 2012

Personal Finance: 4 Ways to Save Money and Improve Your Money Management Skills

Personal Finance: 4 Ways to Save Money and Improve Your Money Management Skills

Brian Tracy's Four Keys to your Finacial Success

Virtually every single person in America who is financially independent started off with nothing. But they acquired good personal finance habits, learned how to save money, and improve their money management skills, eventually becoming some of the most successful people in their communities. And anything that anyone else has done, you can probably do as well.

Save Money by Using a Long Time Perspective

To save money and become financially independent you must begin living on less than you earn even if you are deeply in debt. One of the most important guarantors of your personal finance success is called “Long time perspective.” Take the long view. Develop a long term attitude toward yourself and your financial future and begin thinking in terms of where you want to be in five and ten years. This long-time perspective will have an inordinate impact on your personal finance habits and money management skills in the present, and will help you save money over the years.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

10 Reasons Why Top Sales People are Successful: Boost Your Sales Career

10 Reasons Why Top Sales People are Successful: Boost Your Sales Career

The top 20 percent of sales people earn 80 percent of the money. Your goal is to become one of the highest-paid people in your profession and accelerate your sales career using the vital keys to success in sales. Fortunately, this is easier than you might think.

Key to Success #1: Top Sales People Do What They Love to Do

All truly successful, highly paid sales people, love their sales career. You must learn to love your work and then commit yourself to becoming excellent in your field. Invest whatever amount of time is necessary to improve your sales career; pay any price; go and distance, make any sacrifice to become the very best at what you do. Join the top 10 percent.

Monday, 14 May 2012

How to Persuade and Influence People to Achieve Personal Power - Brian Tracy

How to Persuade and Influence People to Achieve Personal Power

Your ability to persuade and influence people to help you get the things you want in life is one of the most important skills you can develop. By learning how to persuade and influence people, you can achieve greater personal power and get more of the things you want faster than anything else you do. ...

Sunday, 13 May 2012

The Art of Time Management
Time Management is an Art!

Your Perfect day!!!

The recommended ideal  day is to spilt your day in to three 8 hour chunks   8 hours for work, 8 hours for Sleep / rest and hrs for play (the work rest and play model). But as we know this is not a reflection of reality for most people, whom have so many pressures on their time.

Eight and Infinity

Eight is also the number for infinity and a strong influential number that has always appeared in many cultures.  Linking the power of the number eight and interlacing this with your life has the potential to create true power with your life.

Time management is incredibly simple; the basic rules are incredibly simple and easy to understand. 

The real issue is not Time Management but the person in question and their dedication to their own life and a set of defined values, goals and priorities.  To be effective with your time, you first need to know the basic rules and in turn you need to be disciplined, bloody minded and pig headed enough to make absolutely sure that you shape your life around these rules and that you do not get taken away from these simple basic rules, and when you do get side tracked, deal with the issue and then get straight back on to the task and back onto plan.

There are 6 basic rules of time management eloquently articulated by Chet Holmes  

The Six Time Rules

There are just six steps to effective time management

1                     Do it once  touch it once Do it real time

2                     Make lists

3                     Plan how much time to allocate to each task

4                     Plan your day

5                     Prioritise

6                     Ask yourself will it hurt to throw it away

We all have the same amount of time it is what we do with it that counts

So do not think about time management, but actually think about time, your time and your relationship with time...  and to think about if you are FREE!!   From time or are you tied into time and time rules your life completely.

The vast majority of people are tied into time and are not conscious aware of this.  They are living in an industrial age model of society that is now out dated.  Industrial age thinking is slowly slipping away and being replaced by a more flexible mindset generation.  

So I want you to think about how the industrial age time clock, the get up in the morning in your box (house) get ready for work, travel to work in your other box (the car or bus or train or plane !!! or all four go to another box where we work, to then work through a set of industrial age processes and time related tasks and objectives, before leaving at a time to travel back in a box to your home box, all defined by the passage of time and the marking of time.

Most people are paid for their time not the value they bring or contribution that they make.

Strangely as it may seem, gaining awareness and understanding of time and how is affects and governs your life until you are free (retired) will help you to understand how time has a grip on your life. 

Are you a master to time or a master of time? 

Are you part of someone else’s time clock or are you free to choose your own time?

If you do not have a Plan in life, then you are part of someone else plan!

Then imagine what you life would be like if you were not mastered by time but a master of time itself, and were completely free to spend your time exactly as you wish to....  you are now starting to understand and gain a deeper awareness and appreciation of time in your life.

Now, stop reading here and i want you to spend the next day, 24 hours going about your daily life as you would normally and start to spend your time thinking about your time, what you are doing with your time and how it guides and manipulates you down defined paths or expectation and keeps you in a routine, and how this on its own appears to keep the peace t=w tithe your loved ones and those around you.

If you start to think about time and become aware of your time then you are going to more likely to be able to be successful at utilising the time that you have more effectively and thus make a far greater impact in our life, just by focusing on what is actually important in our lives.

Remember that there are only 6 basis rules of Time Management

1                     Do it once  touch it once Do it real time

2                     Make lists

3                     Plan how much time to allocate to each task

4                     Plan your day

5                     Prioritise your actions

6                     Ask yourself will it hurt to throw it away

If you can master these six steps one by one you will be amazed at how productive your life starts to become. Couple this with a knowing your purpose and having passion for what you are doing and you will become unstoppable force for change, opportunity, success and achievement.

Each of the six stepping stones is interlinked and you need master all of the constituent parts to mater the whole, by blending each element together.


·         Review your day and the next week and become aware of where you are spending your time

·         Start to apply the “Six Time Rules” to your life

·         Set a clear vision for your life. Define your goals and objectives and take action every day

This is YOUR time and your time is NOW. Do not waste your time, do not throw your life away and drift aimlessly through your time with no rudder or no direction with no definite written plan.  Having a vision and a plan with a focus and place to head towards, then taking action on starting your journey, whilst applying these six rules, you will find that applying these six simple rules will open up your life and the meaning of time to a whole new level.

The key is focus, focus, focus  on these six rules and being strong enough not to be dissuaded or side tracked by the people around you and having the courage to stand up for your time and reclaim back you life.

Are you the master of time or is time the master of you?

Are you the master of others or are they the master of you?

Do you play your own tune or do you dance to someone else’s?

Never forget that you are free from your first breadth.....  Ultimately it is you that gives away your freedom.  Also remember hat everything is cause and effect and that there is an equal and opposite affect in everything that we do.

Go and live your life and be amazing!!!

Saturday, 12 May 2012

YOUR time is now! TODAY is the day for YOU to look at yourself and start 2 define 2 YOU, who YOU are 2 YOU!!!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Creating Wealth: Building Financial Freedom

Creating the Wealth Mindset

The wealthy think differently.

Thus for you to be wealthy you also have to learn how to think differently and build a Wealth Mindset’

To be wealthy on the outside you first have to be wealthy on the inside.  You have to begin to understand what being wealthy means to you and also you have to be “prepared to pay the price.”

Action: Firstly take a blank piece of paper and write down the words and images, emotions, tastes, smells and feelings of what wealthy means to you. But for the purpose of this exercise do not refer to the financial benefits.  The reason for this is that true wealth is not about money; money is as a consequence of thinking and acting in a manner that creates and builds wealth. Cause and effect!!!

“Are you prepared to pay the price.. “

This may sound strange, but in life there is always a price that you have to pay to have something and not have something.

We are all paying the price in many places in our lives.  The price that we have to pay can be obvious, for instance the price of being poor is not being rich, the price of being in a job is not running your own business...  I think you get the drift....   but also the price you are paying may not be as obvious as you may think....

For some the price they have to pay is far too great, for some the cost of being wealthy is far too great a price to pay, even if they do not consciously think like this.  BUT it is true, you have to be prepared to pay the price before you have something or achieve what you are looking for.  If you are not prepared to pay this price then, although you might feel successful and are achieving it will not last, it never does.

So first ask yourself... “Are you prepared to pay the price of being wealthy?” whatever that price is for you at this moment in time.

Poor attitudes in a wealthy lifestyle.

Your attitudes will have to change. 

Most people want to be rich for the sake of being rich.  For them being rich is just about money. Most people are attracted to the trappings of being rich, what Robert Kiyosaki in his Rich Dad Poor Dad books refers t as “Doo Dads!”  These are the cars, houses, boats, holidays and rich high-flying living that many people get pulled into, that is unsustainable.

If you are the sort of person that spend all your money before you earn it and build up your won debt mountain, then unless you change your mindset and attitudes, the more money you get, the more money you will spend and the greater will become your debt mountain.

Many people when they come into money, whether through inheritance or winning the lottery for instance,  will have spend most of the money within the first five years and be back to where they started from.  This is down to many factors, but primarily this down to the wrong mindset, the wrong attitudes and a complete lack of financial Education and respect for wealth.

Never forget this statement:

“Wealth is what you have left when you have no money left at all.”

Stop for a moment and really think about this.

If you need to write down the things that are most important to you, then stop and do this now. These should be the things that money can’t buy. We have all heard the phase “Money can’t buy love and happiness.” It is true, but money will attract plenty of it, or so it may seem at the time!! So you will have to decide who are the people that want to be with you for who you are, and who are the people that want to be with you just for your money.

So before you even start to think about being wealthy, you need to be clear and honest with yourself as to what is really important to you now and in the future, otherwise you might find yourself rich on the outside, but poor on the inside!!!

Remember, no one ever got wealthy by spending money, except those who you are giving the money to!!!

You will need to define a clear set of rules, financial rules, that are personal to you, and that you will absolutely not break.   Most rich people, investors and the like, have a set of “personal financial rules” often developed over time through failure and experience that for them are irrefutable.  They have learnt to never break their defined financial rules, they are sacrosanct, and they know that when they do break their rules that they are likely to fail.

So you also have to have a set of Financial Rules, but remember whether you are just staring out, or if you are already on your journey, the rules you have for today will evolve and become different rules for tomorrow as your experience grows.

Twelve Key Stepping Stones and Rules to Start to

Build your Wealth Mindset

1          What does being Wealth mean to you?

2          What are your financial goals and aspirations?

3          Start Building a Wealth Plan

4          Get you own house in order first!!!

If you are in debt, get yourself out of debt.  If you gain more money if you have not learnt the lessons you will end up being in more and more debt as the habits and lifestyle that you have that are getting you into debt will not change.

5          Define and agree with yourself what price you are prepared to pay and what price you are not prepared to pay

6         Define your top three values.

7          Start by defining your Financial Rules

Define your financial rules and build a financial framework of your dos and don’ts. Based on what you know now and where you are at this moment in time

8          Discuss your ideas with your family and friends

It is vital that you discuss your plans and aspirations with your family and close friends, as you will find that as you get further along on your journey that you will start to think and talk differently to the people around you, and this has the potential to cause conflict. Some of your family and friends will come along with you, whilst others will prefer to stay where they are!!!

9          An apple never roles too far from the tree”

As a general rule, people do not move more than plus or minus 20% either side from the core of the people or family that they are with at this moment in time.

“You become like the people you are with most of the time.”

 The more Wealth Mindset and Financial knowledge that you build, the wealthier you start to feel on the inside, like a cup overflowing, you will find that your new found mindset will start to pour out into your real world. 

10        Build your Team of Wealth and Financial Mentors

Most people do not build a Financial Team around themselves of trusted mentors, advisors and partners.  I can assure when you come into some money there will be no shortage of people willing to offer you advice, for a fee of course.

They will speak with seeming authority and knowledge and try to convince you that they are the best of the best and have your best interests at heart, but after you have met with five or more, you will realise that they are all telling to the same thing.

Nowadays the Internet gives you access to financial recourses from all over the globe and you can connect with the very best people and business where ever they are in the world, you do not in today’s world have to shop just in your local high-street.

Look to merge the digital and the physical world and build a virtual team and a physical team of trusted mentors and advisors.

Seek out the best that you can attract, three online mentors and three mentors in the physical world.

Three is a good strong number and this means that if you lose one, you will still have two, whilst you look to find another mentor.  If you only have one, and you lose that person, then you have none and it might take you another three to six months to find a mentor that you trust and are comfortable with.

11         Stop watching TV and listening to the radio!!!

Another exercise is not to sit in front of the TV driving a couch!!!  TV can be great, but there are such a lot of negative messages driven out of the TV or, now the computer and handheld device that they reinforce a negative mindset.  They also say do not put the radio on in the morning to listen to the news, as the stories are mostly of failure and reflect on life’s bad news stories, instead of being uplifting, again reinforcing a negative mindset.

12        Turn your car into a University!!!

Turn your car into a University. Use our sites to explore your journey and link to our trusted partners working with us to provide and develop tried and trusted content that you can utilise.

Get hold of Success development tapes, CD’s MP3’s, Audio books etc, and start listening to these instead, at least three to seven times over and see what you will be surprised how turning your car into your University can give you the equivalent of between 500 and 1000 hours of educational uplifting content, almost the same as the amount time required for a degree study!!!

These first twelve key Stepping stones are designed to get you thinking and to get you going. There is a lot of work to do here and you may be busy for quite a while as you start to put each of the twelve’s concrete blocks in place into your life.

You will find that you will do some of these and slip back to old habits, but please do not give up. Commit to yourself, take personal ownership and responsibility and start to make a real difference in your life.

The wealthy think and act differently. Their mindset is completely different from the main stream.  The current situation you find yourself in is largely due t the way you think and the way you act.

Good luck and keep coming back to the site for further instalments of your Wealth Plan, Creating Wealth: Building Financial Freedom.

Waste of Time? 7 Ways Time Management Can Improve Your Work Performance

Waste of Time? 7 Ways Time Management Can Improve Your Work Performance

Your interactions with others consume as much time, if not more, than any other part of your day. You can eliminate waste of time by learning time management strategies that can help you build more efficient interaction with others. You can also maximize work performance by improving the quality of your communications. Miscommunication is a ...

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Blame Game

What makes someone successful? Knowing a problem and complaining about it? Or knowing a problem and creating a solution? One is the blame game. The other is the solutions game. One requires no financial education. The other requires a high financial education. Which game do you play?</p>