Saturday, 17 September 2011

Success and Determination

Success comes from determination, determination comes from self belief,
self belief from your inner spirit

It is safer to say in the harbour!!! 

BUT that's not what ships were built for!!!

It's easy to give up, it's safer to hide, its harder to fight....but YOU have to live with the one best friend that you absolutely have to connect with every second of the day....Your inner self!!!!

Do you want to live every second of your life hiding from the truth of your potential? 

Do you want to always look back on your life wondering what you could and should have achieved?

Do you want to grow as a human or slowly fade away like a dimming light until even the embers of hope fade?

YOU have a CHOICE. We live in a world where we ALL have a choice. YOU have to from this moment take full responsibility and ownership for who you are.

There are two amazing days of every life and every human on the planet. 

The first being the day that you are born.  The second, most important day of your life is when you find and realise the reason WHY YOU were born. Some would argue that the second day is a greater of the two.....

BUT there is a third day....and that is the day that YOU DECIDE to take sustained and massive ACTION to achieve your human potential. to take action and connect with your passion and reason for being here.  This day is the most important day of your journey. The day that you decide to take ACTION.

Success comes from determination, determination comes from self belief,
self belief from your inner spirit

If you have read this, TODAY is the day that you decide. Today is YOUR day to connect with who you really are inside, to find yourself, to start to search for your passion and to look for the reason why you were born.

Start you journey today to finding and connecting with your human potential. YOU always have a choice, the time has come to excercise that choice and to take ACTION. Start to take ownership and responsibility for who you are at this time, for what you have done, and for what you want to achieve

You are amazing. We are all amazing.

Come back and link to this site to start telling your journey so that we can all be inspired!!!


"Good leaders have good character and good ethics; they do not lie, cheat or steal"

Leadership is a rare quality yet a quality that as humans we all have. A great leader surounds themself with people who are even greater and gets the very best out of everyone. A Leader sets and defines the culture, values, ethics, morals, actions and results of everyone. They Future Pace, meaning that in their minds they are already where they want to be.

A great leader in war commands authotiy by position, wheras in life and in business a great leader commands by respect that is earned and given and not assumed.

The one enduring aspect of leadership is character. Success and popularity is fickle and does not last, but enjoy it while it does. Change is unpredicable, random but is a constant, Change always happens over the passage of time. Through all of this chaos it is the persons character that is the true constant.

We are all only stewards of our time, and our time is now. We must all take up the responsibility and ownership of our own actions and show leadership within ourselves and lead by example.

We ALL have the responsibility of leadership and this is a call to arms for all to seriously take a look at themselves and connect with the leader within. We only have one time...and our time is not waste your NOW and your present take action today

Leadership is YOUR responsibility