Saturday, 17 September 2011

Success and Determination

Success comes from determination, determination comes from self belief,
self belief from your inner spirit

It is safer to say in the harbour!!! 

BUT that's not what ships were built for!!!

It's easy to give up, it's safer to hide, its harder to fight....but YOU have to live with the one best friend that you absolutely have to connect with every second of the day....Your inner self!!!!

Do you want to live every second of your life hiding from the truth of your potential? 

Do you want to always look back on your life wondering what you could and should have achieved?

Do you want to grow as a human or slowly fade away like a dimming light until even the embers of hope fade?

YOU have a CHOICE. We live in a world where we ALL have a choice. YOU have to from this moment take full responsibility and ownership for who you are.

There are two amazing days of every life and every human on the planet. 

The first being the day that you are born.  The second, most important day of your life is when you find and realise the reason WHY YOU were born. Some would argue that the second day is a greater of the two.....

BUT there is a third day....and that is the day that YOU DECIDE to take sustained and massive ACTION to achieve your human potential. to take action and connect with your passion and reason for being here.  This day is the most important day of your journey. The day that you decide to take ACTION.

Success comes from determination, determination comes from self belief,
self belief from your inner spirit

If you have read this, TODAY is the day that you decide. Today is YOUR day to connect with who you really are inside, to find yourself, to start to search for your passion and to look for the reason why you were born.

Start you journey today to finding and connecting with your human potential. YOU always have a choice, the time has come to excercise that choice and to take ACTION. Start to take ownership and responsibility for who you are at this time, for what you have done, and for what you want to achieve

You are amazing. We are all amazing.

Come back and link to this site to start telling your journey so that we can all be inspired!!!


"Good leaders have good character and good ethics; they do not lie, cheat or steal"

Leadership is a rare quality yet a quality that as humans we all have. A great leader surounds themself with people who are even greater and gets the very best out of everyone. A Leader sets and defines the culture, values, ethics, morals, actions and results of everyone. They Future Pace, meaning that in their minds they are already where they want to be.

A great leader in war commands authotiy by position, wheras in life and in business a great leader commands by respect that is earned and given and not assumed.

The one enduring aspect of leadership is character. Success and popularity is fickle and does not last, but enjoy it while it does. Change is unpredicable, random but is a constant, Change always happens over the passage of time. Through all of this chaos it is the persons character that is the true constant.

We are all only stewards of our time, and our time is now. We must all take up the responsibility and ownership of our own actions and show leadership within ourselves and lead by example.

We ALL have the responsibility of leadership and this is a call to arms for all to seriously take a look at themselves and connect with the leader within. We only have one time...and our time is not waste your NOW and your present take action today

Leadership is YOUR responsibility

Friday, 15 April 2011

"Learn the rules of money, educate yourself by educating your children"

Today more than any other time in history we live in a world of abundance and great change. Our traditional education systems, often based on the Prussian Education system failed us and is failing our children!!

There are three types of education that we all can recieve; The first two are often given, the later Financial Education has to be sought out and found.

1. Academic

2. Proffessional

3. Financial

Academic education is vital, learning to read has been proved to be the great enabler of our times, linking to learning to write and arithmetic these are the vital few ingredients for success.

"Schools educate people to become employees to work for the rich!!!" but this conditioning creates dependancies and expectations that organisations and governments will look after people throughout their lives.

This is amodern industrial expectation that is old, outdated and unsustainable. "With money you are either a winner or a loser"  Robert Kiyosaki

But in life we all have choices. We can learn the rules of money and we can learn financial education. Everyhting is learnable!

TODAY is the first day of your life!!! Take persoanl responsibility and ownership of who you are are and the life that you currently have and start to learn about the rules of money and create YOUR "Financial Freedom"

Thursday, 17 February 2011

"Ingenuity, teamwork, intelligence and courage are a uniquely human combination of skills that has allowed us to conquer our world"

There are now just over seven billion people on the planet, and growing. We now have the ability to control and influence every aspect of our planet, we are truly responsible for our own destiny.

Our ability to collaborate across the world, share ideas, knowledge, and harness the power of technology, the energy of money and the ingenuity of our own intelligence, places us in a new position of responsibility, stewardship and trust.

Yet we are but teenagers dipping our toes in the ocean to see if we like the feel of the water, with an ocean of opportunity that lies before us.

We can shape our planet, we can redesign our landscapes, we can tame all animals, affect our climate, influence peoples lives and see to the edge of our known universe. We are amazing, and we can do this for the greater good of all, or the benefit of the few.

We are now truly stewards of our own time, and of our own lives. We only get one change, one life. This is not a rehearsal, this IS the real thing. Our stewardship in this time is going to be critical for both our generation and for generations to come.

Everyone of us has a purpose for being here. Everyone of us has a passion to do something amazing. It is now time that each and everyone of us find the courage of our convictions, beliefs and values, and take action to make a fitting and lasting contribution to our time leaving a lasting positive legacy for the next generation.

This is OUR time. Think about what YOU are going to do to make areal lasting positive difference and take action today to start to build and enhance your life and the lives of our brothers and sisters across the globe in harmony with all life on our planet Earth.

Remember, ingenuity, teamwork, intelligence and courage are YOUR uniquely human characteristics. Thimk! about how you can make a real difference.

Monday, 14 February 2011

"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities......because it is the quality that guarantees all others" Winston Churchill

Courage distinguishes you from all others and marks you our as a great leader.

Helping others to achieve their success takes courage, vision, self belief, commitment, clearly defined values, principles and strong ethics. Do YOU have the moral fibre and inner strength to live your life each day with courage. Do YOU stand up for what is right?

Have the courage of your commitments, believe in your vision and you will lead others to success. Have the courage to stand up for your convictions and do not compromise on who you are. Live your life with courage.

Do you have a vision for who you want to be? have you connected with your inner self, your passion and clearly defined your values? When you commit to yourself do you fol ow this through? When you commit to others do you also follow this through as well?

What does Integrity mean to you?

This is a powerful value that requires courage every single day to live your life in this way. As soon as you set your stall out, you WILL be faced with challenges to your convictions, both to yourself and to others. Ask yourself honestly,

Do you have the courage to live your life with courage?

Sunday, 13 February 2011

"Change is a Constant. The only Constant is Change!!"

Our ability to adapt to change and opportunity has defined the whole of human existence and endeavour, it has in part defined who we are.

In our world today, change is happening at an ever faster and more unpredictable pace. We now all live in a "Global Economy" and our mindset towards change is crucial.

Ask yourself honestly, Do you see change as an opportunity? you see change as a threat?

The reality is that opportunity and threat are opposite sides of the same coin. They are intrinsically is not that we have have opportunity or threat IT IS how we all view and respond to this challenge of change.

One persons opportunity and gain, is anothers threat or loss.

It is now vital that we all seek the opportunity and success that exists in very minute detail of change and seek to harness this power for the greater good and benefit of us all.

When we can all learn to work together, pooling our collective and universal skills, attributes and passions, collaboration of endeavour will see us rise as a truly global community able to define our future with greater clarity of purpose and focus.

YOUR time is now!! This life is not a dress-rehearsal, it is real. It is the choices, decisions and actions that you take now, that will define who you are and the legacy that you leave for the next generation.
"Are Great Leaders born or created"?

Leadership is about the person. It is about their character, courage, vision and moral fibre. Leadership is defined by the fundamental choices that a person has made in their life, their values, morals and ethics. These are defined of the course of a persons life and experiences and the choices that a person has made to reach where they are now.

Leadership is about character!! It is also about courage,
decency, integrity, trust, and honesty.

We all must remember that we ALL lead in some capacity. By the mere fact that we influence, we lead.

We first lead ourselves. Our relationship with who are on the inside is critical, as the "shape" of our inner world pours out and influences the world within which we live and thus affects all others that we come into contact with.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Build your path through discovery and chance. Quiet your mind, YOUR journey begins here.

CONFIDENCE is an incredibly powerful word in our times. It has driven success and created failure, it has been driving economies and fulling debt, it opens new doors and blinds us to what lies ahead of us.

Confidence is an energy and power that lies deep with us all and to connect with it and take control of who we are we have to teach and educate our inner self to become self aware of our actions, the actions of others and the impact that our actions have in the present and into the future. For as Gary Ryan Blair attests "Everything Counts" Every little detail counts "It's not that the devil is in the details, but that every small particle contains a seed that can potentially determine the difference between success and failure." (Gary Ryan Blair).

We all have to start from this day to make our choices on who we are, what we do and what we want to achieve. What will be your legacy. It is now our time to start to take full ownership and responsibility for who we are and what do, and how we treat all others that we are lucky to come into contact with.